Source code for diamondback.filters.GoertzelFilter

""" **Description**
        A Goertzel filter realizes a discrete difference equation which
        approximates a discrete Fourier transform evaluated at a specified
        normalized frequency and order, consuming an incident signal and
        producing a reference signal.

        .. math::

            y_{n} = \\sum_{i = 1}^{N} a_{i} y_{n-i} + \\sum_{i = 0}^{N} b_{i} x_{n-i} = \\sum_{i = 1}^{N} (\\ a_{i} b_{0} + b_{i}\\ ) s_{i,n} + b_{0} x_{n}\\qquad a_{0} = 0

        .. math::

            s_{1,n+1} = \\sum_{i = 1}^{N} a_{i} s_{i,n} + x_{n}\\qquad\\quad s_{i,n+1} = s_{i-1,n}

        .. math::

            \\matrix{ a = \\scriptsize{ [\\ \\matrix{ 0 & 2\\ \\cos(\\ \\pi\\ f\\ ) & -1 }\\ ] } & b = \\scriptsize{ [\\ \\matrix{ 1 & -e^{\\ j\\ \\pi\\ f\\ } & 0 } }\\ ] }

        At the terminus of each window length a reference signal is evaluated
        to estimate a discrete Fourier transform at a specified normalized

        .. math::

            H_{z} = \\frac{\\sum_{i = 0}^{N} b_{i} z^{-i}}{{1 - \\sum_{i = 1}^{N} a_{i} z^{-i}}}

        A Goertzel filter is normalized by incident signal length.  An incident
        signal length is is inversely proportional to a normalized frequency

        .. math::

            N = \\frac{2}{R}


        .. code-block:: python

            from diamondback import ComplexExponentialFilter, GoertzelFilter
            import numpy

            b = WindowFilter( 'Hann', 128 ).b
            frequency = 0.1

            # Create an instance.

            obj = GoertzelFilter( b = b, frequency = frequency )

            # Filter an incident signal.

            x = ComplexExponentialFilter( 0.0 ).filter( numpy.ones( 1024 ) * frequency ) * numpy.random.rand( 1 )[ 0 ]
            y = obj.filter( x )

        `BSD-3C.  <>`_
        © 2018 - 2024 Larry Turner, Schneider Electric Industries SAS. All rights reserved.

        Larry Turner, Schneider Electric, AI Hub, 2018-04-16.

from diamondback.filters.IirFilter import IirFilter
from typing import Union
import math
import numpy

[docs] class GoertzelFilter( IirFilter ) : """ Goertzel filter. """ @property def frequency( self ) : return self._frequency @frequency.setter def frequency( self, frequency : float ) : if ( ( frequency < -1.0 ) or ( frequency > 1.0 ) ) : raise ValueError( f'Frequency = {frequency} Expected Frequency in [ 1.0, 1.0 ]' ) self._frequency = frequency def __init__( self, b : Union[ list, numpy.ndarray ], frequency : float ) -> None : """ Initialize. Arguments : b : Union[ list, numpy.ndarray ] - forward coefficient. frequency : float - frequency normalized to Nyquist in [ -1.0, 1.0 ]. """ if ( not isinstance( b, numpy.ndarray ) ) : b = numpy.array( list( b ) ) if ( ( not len( b ) ) or ( numpy.isclose( b, 0.0 ).all( ) ) ) : raise ValueError( f'B = {b}' ) if ( ( frequency < -1.0 ) or ( frequency > 1.0 ) ) : raise ValueError( f'Frequency = {frequency} Expected Frequency in [ 1.0, 1.0 ]' ) u = numpy.array( [ 0.0, 2.0 * math.cos( math.pi * frequency ), -1.0 ] ) v = numpy.array( [ 1.0, -numpy.exp( -1j * math.pi * frequency ), 0.0 ] ) super( ).__init__( a = u, b = v ) self._index = 0 self._frequency = frequency self._w = numpy.array( b )
[docs] def filter( self, x : Union[ list, numpy.ndarray ] ) -> numpy.ndarray : """ Filters an incident signal and produces a reference signal. Arguments : x : Union[ list, numpy.ndarray ] - incident signal. Returns : y : numpy.ndarray - reference signal. """ if ( not isinstance( x, numpy.ndarray ) ) : x = numpy.array( list( x ) ) if ( not len( x ) ) : raise ValueError( f'X = {x}' ) y = numpy.zeros( int( numpy.ceil( len( x ) / len( self._w ) ) ) + 1, complex ) u = ( 1.0 + int( not isinstance( x[ 0 ], complex ) ) ) / len( self._w ) jj = 0 for ii in range( 0, len( x ) ) : v = super( ).filter( u * self._w[ self._index ] * x[ ii : ii + 1 ] ) self._index += 1 if ( self._index >= len( self._w ) ) : y[ jj ] = v[ 0 ] self.s[ : ] = 0.0 self._index = 0 jj += 1 if ( jj != len( y ) ) : y = y[ : jj ] return y